Idl if
Idl if

idl if

There are other *.idl files in the Gecko source tree but they are not WebIDL, so you can ignore them. For Gecko, all WebIDL files are grouped in a single directory.Pre-Chromium versions of Edge used it internally, but these are unfortunately not public. Three browser engines use (modified) WebIDL as part as their toolchain: Gecko, Chromium/Blink, and WebCore/WebKit.So double check what is there with implementations (and don't hesitate to file bugs if you discover incoherence). On MDN we want to be practical and document what the Web platform really is, not what it ideally should be.

idl if

Though the canonical reference, we have to keep in mind that they may differ from the actual implementation.

  • Each specification contains WebIDL inside the text: it is a very convenient way to convey precise definition.
  • WebIDL can be found in multiple locations: The spec is the canonical reference, and the browser WebIDL describes what is actually implemented in a particular browser, and contains additional things such as annotations, information about non-standard elements, and browser-specific extensions to the IDL specification. In the world of browsers, the IDL we use is called WebIDL. Two kinds of WebIDL are available: the one given in the WebIDL spec, and the one implemented in browsers.

    idl if

    In the wider world of computing there are several kinds of IDL. IDL stands for Interface Definition Language and it is designed to describe APIs. This document provides a reference to help understand WebIDL syntax. WebIDL files are a very condensed way of giving a lot, but not all, of the information about the API. When writing documentation about an API, the sources of information are many: the specifications describe what should be implemented as well as the model, and the implementations describe what has actually been put in the browsers.

    Idl if